Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Media Power and the Dangers of Mass Information

In this era, media no longer becomes a strange thing. It overwhelmingly influences not only us, as human being, but also the world's development in all aspects. Let me focus on one example which is television. Television is an utterly influential media that alters and distorts our perceptions of reality, and due to that, it results in enormous consequences.
When distant events that happen in another country, such as human disasters and Football World Cup, are showed on the television, it can influence our feelings. The delivery of real-time experiences in a sensational manner makes us share the daily both triumphs and tragedies of human race. Consequently, it results in a new kind of knowledge. Therefore, television alters our perspectives about world.
Second, television influences the process of thinking and deciding. The  progression which happens when we are reading and watching is obviously different. When we are reading, it is begun from words to reason, to conviction, and to action. On the other hand, it is begun from image to impression, to emotional reactions, and to action, when we are watching.
Television sometimes needs to distort knowledge since it always focuses on visual things, becomes the third point. Oftentimes, the things are photographed and then provoke people's emotions, and are dramatized at last. Salient things are frequently neglected though, as it doesn't come with pictures.
The fourth, television expands our knowledge. News shows, headlines, and dialogs or talks are programs that overwhelm our brain's capacity. Nevertheless, they create problems since everything is chopped into tiny pieces of informations until it is difficult to digest, analyze, and judge.
Those points cause enormous consequences for publicity. As we all know, television--as mass media--produces instant mass emotions, instant mass opinions, and mass pressures. Those 3 things force policymakers to act without prior thought and against their best judgements. Mass media have the power of not only magnifying as well as reporting conflicts of power, supporting, and harassing, but also explaining. These powers make it become both the collaborators and adversaries of government.
As we know, mass media greatly mold public opinion in orded to serve their needs. False issues and facts are often created due to that. They don't base on reality and displace truth, only to get the greatest media impact and public favor.
What we can do about this is by coming up a new kind of journalism that is "Preventive Journalism". It should try to identify the underlying causes of crisis before happening, rather than after happening. It is not enough to provide the videos-for examples-of war only, the underlying causes of it have to be provided either. This would require a different mindset and new techniques. It would mean looking deeply into societal trends on a sustained, long-term basis, so that public can know the process that might lead into a crisis.
Summarized by ETS from Michael J. O'Neill's essay

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Economic Growth

As we know that the economy of our beloved country, Indonesia, does not stand a good chance of having as tremendous economic growth as China does. It is a far cry from China. Economic growth in China absolutely will always increase from year to year. The only question is whether or not the economic growth grows as very well as previous year? But let's see our country's economic growth. Will it increase in next year? How many percent of it? I bet our country's economic growth will still be a salient problem since there is one thing that has not been handled well by the government.

Poverty. Thousands or even millions people starve because of poverty now. They do not know where to live, what to do, how to survive. The job fields here in Indonesia are not as numerous as we expect. So how can they make our country's economic growth increase when they don't even have job or jobless, I ask? How can they be smart as Chinese to invent new technologies to make Indonesia's economic growth better in the next few years when they don't have enough nutritious foods or some of them even starve? Just keep dreaming if you still wish our economic growth will be as tremendous as China. Keep having that nice dream!

To conclude, that Indonesia stands a good chance of having as tremendous economic growth as China does is still impossible, I think. Poverty, which is still a big problem which had not been handled well by the government really has significant role in it. If the poverty goes to decrease, I bet then the economic growth goes to increase.

Written by Elsa Tamara Shalsabila on December 3, 2013

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Demi Waktu

Demi waktu.
Katakan padaku saat cinta mulai menghampiriku.
Katakan padaku saat cinta mulai mengintip persembunyianku.
Katakan padaku saat cinta mulai menggerayangi pintuku.
Katakan padaku,
hanya itu.
Demi waktu.
Tegurkan aku saat cinta mulai merayap masuki relungku.
Tegurkan aku saat cinta mulai bermain2 di benakku.
Tegurkan aku saat cinta mulai butakan mataku.
Tegurkan aku,
hanya itu.
Dan demi waktu.
Belailah aku saat cinta mulai mengecup sendu.
Belailah aku saat cinta mulai merangakak menjauh.
Belailah aku saat cinta mulai menyentuh kelabu.
Belailah aku,
hanya itu. --ets011213

Friday, March 7, 2014

Kamu, adalah kamu

yg diam-diam datang,
tanpa ketukan dahulu.
yg diam-diam hipnotis bawah sadarku.
yg diam-diam merayap masuki relung,
pun jua jantung.
yg diam-diam tepiskan sendu,
gantikannya jadi rindu.
Adalah kamu,
rasuki benak tak kenal waktu.
Adalah kamu,
bisikkan senda tak kunjung kelu.
Adalah kamu,
merayap menyentuh relung,
pun jua jantung.
Adalah kamu,
tepiskan peluh, gantikannya jadi candu.
adalah kamu. --ets101113