Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dear My Future Hubby

Well this is gonna be awkward since I don't know who you might be and where you might be, and I also don't know when our first meet was or when our first meet will be. And yet, here I'm telling whoever you are, what have been my wishes since forever once we've become a bride and bridegroom in bridal dais, spending our time together till death afterwards.
But, please promise me first that you will never consider this as something disgusting or something way too blunt or whatever it is because, sorry not sorry, I don't give a damn. What I care is you to consider this as either something to respect or something to be the reason why you've gotta put your trust in me later on.
Okay, let's just get this started, I'll make it quick.

Dear my future hubby...
Indeed, as far as I'm concerned, love is such an abstract theory that cannot be put in words theoretically. My bestie, Ainun Nabiila, even said that "you don't need to understand what love is to feel". Because nevertheless, love is just so real in reality that every single one must have ever been in it. No one is perfect but love completes them to be a perfect one.
So I already know that you, somewhere on Earth, are no man. You, why on Earth reading this pile of klunk, are no boy. You are no saint. You are no prince. No genius. No perfection. But I'm truly hoping that you are one of those pious men who have a brilliant and critical mind walking the Earth. I desperately need you to be mine, to complete me for being such a bitchy brat that cannot take the credit enough for the success she's got. I need you to impress me with your achievements, that you are my missing piece of clever part in my brain. I need you to remind me to always be in the right path, together with you. I need you to advice me the simple yet wise words to live as often as you'd like to, because I barely hear it from the guys I've ever been into, and if you could, you'd scare the hell out of each cell in me that I'd literally love you till death. And I need you to convince me that by the time we've been under the same roof, all the time we'd spent together is really worth wasting.

Dear my future hubby...
If you're one of those lecherous nuts who only love girls physically, then back off. I'm better out. Why? Because it means you didn't love me at all in the first place. I'm not the girl with sexy body, whose curves can make guys down on their knees, with such a very soft skin as fuck, whose boobs as big as what you've been dreaming of, with cute shaven pussy, and all that. If you're kinda disappointed and ask me "oh, aren't you?", I'm undoubtedly gonna say "yes, I'm not."
And reluctantly Imma say "and nah, I am.", that I'm the girl with skinny body. I'm the girl with tanned complexion. I'm the girl with flat nose. I'm the girl with glasses. I'm the girl whose hair on each limb of hers. I'm the girl with small boobs and booty. I'm terribly sorry to tell you that I hate staring at my own body, I hate myself for not being able to hide the ribs, I hate myself for being a hag-look-like.
If you insist me there's been love between us, all I can say is that "may that so-called fucking love be buried in fucking hell and I hope there's a slut who'll ever cuddle with you and be wrapped around your fucking fingers without any love involved."
I'm sorry not sorry, but seriously, I don't expect you to love me for the way I look, but I do expect you to love me for the way I am.

Dear my future hubby...
I'm actually hoping you're a white foreigner *no offense* so that I can always use English while talking with you, but if you aren't, then at least please God give me the one with great English skill. I desperately wanna live the rest of my life with someone who can understand how obsessed I am with English. How I can't even spend a day without speaking English. How I literally am gonna die if you don't speak English. It's just... I don't know, it's not solely a habit, a weird habit, but it's just much easier when I say something in English, you got it? You know once I can't find the proper word in Indonesian then I'll end up saying it in English. I don't know it's just like the English words have popped in to my mind so it's really easy to simply write them down right away than having to think what the exact Indonesian word for that... oh damn me, I can't explain this whole thing but I swear once you've got to know me, you'll understand.
And oh! I'm also sort of obsessed with going abroad. Do you mind to spend our honeymoon in The Netherlands? Or England? Or Australia? Or America? Or London? I've been craving for this since forever and yet the countries I've visited are only Singapore and Malaysia and those are not enough. I need to feel the four seasons Indonesia doesn't have, especially the fall.
So, please, I'm begging you... Take me out to other-marvelous-countries and let's have some sexy hot night as we've been doing the unforgettable fascinating experience.

Dear my future hubby...
It occurs to me that I am indifferent. I don't give a fuck on what's happening around me. What I only care about is myself. How I really should have some fun but this headache always bugs me. How I really should spend my teenage hood right but this school stuffs and shits always make me browned off. I'm the girl who would concern myself with careers rather than house chores. I can't wash clothes. I can't iron too many clothes. Worse, I can't cook. And I am allergic to dust. I'm sorry for being so blunt but really, I say that careers come first.
But, if-no, when-we are already in the same house, I promise you I'll do the best I can do. Before our marriage, I'll learn how to wash clothes with or without washing machine. I'll learn how to not be easily tired of ironing clothes. And most of all, I'll learn how to cook. Sure my Mom will teach me how since she's so dope at it and yet her daughter, me, is so nope at it. But at least I'm going to try learning, right. I will be such a good chef before you propose me, really (with one condition, let me run my career as well, I don't wanna be housewife only, it sucks). Because I know you're just way too valuable to not being deserved right.
Because I know you'll have been gonna be my last one, my forever boy, the boy whom I've been waiting for since I was born; by the time we're married.

Dear my future hubby...
Are you a nerd? Are you a bookworm? If yes, I can't thank God enough for having you as I believe you'll understand how freak I am with books, especially novels. As a matter of fact, I'm planning to have one room in our future house, the room with only our books in it. Yeah, so-called mini library! Can you imagine how fun it will be?! Can you imagine how enthusiastic I will be-we will be? That's... Heaven on Earth. I mean, ugh I'm sorry I'm running out of words to say.
Just give me some novels for our anniversary celebration instead of taking me out to romantic dinner, then I will definitely love you forever. Note this.

Dear my future hubby...
Meet me as soon as possible! I'll love you to the moon and back. --ets251214

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