Saturday, June 20, 2015

Odd Quiver In Summer Sixteen


In pieces I shatter,
            only time will heal.
            These fragments together,
            make up how I feel.
(Gilberto Ledgard Hidalgo IV, Perfectly Broken)
*Lorraine’s POV*
There had been one time when the very last thing I wanted to do was stay alive. I was frustrated, way more than everyone could have ever known. My parents argued all day long as I was just lounging in my bedroom, not sure what to do. Oh God, how I desperately wanted them to make peace however it would be, such as... divorce.
           Well I couldn’t care less, though. They had never really been concerned about me for the past few months. So, how could I give a damn?
          Oh, by the way, hi my name is Lorraine Hawkins, I’m 16, still waiting for the school to start again. I bought a journal last week, and this is the first page of it.I’m currently in San Antonio spending my third week of summer in my summer house where there is no one I can befriend with. Yay me, figure this is going to be the best summer ever in my whole life!
          I love doing geeky things, apparently. So I guess I am a geek, and introvert as well with glasses, books (especially ones with philosophy things in it), and all that. But really, it has nothing to do with my personality. I mean, once you get to know me, I’m pretty sure as hell you will never ever find any geek as crazy and blunt as I am. Well honesty here, this is another thing about me: I’m so fucked up and pretty scary when it comes to friendship. I have never talked with anyone without my masks on, anyone except my best friend, Raquel. She is the only one who never feels like eww knowing me as a whole package as Lorraine.
            I wonder, will my future boyfriend accept my worsts and just love me the way I am?
            I wonder, which masks I’ve gotta wear in front of my future boyfriend? Or will it be no mask?
           The scent of 7 am coffee quivered for a moment in the air. I could tell it was Mom because she was always up early. And I could tell Dad wasn’t home. Probably he was looking for another woman, who knew.
           Drrrt drrrt... drrrt drrrt...
           My phone buzzed, I forgot where I’d put it last night and I was too lazy to move out from bed. I usually got up at around 10 or 11 and now it was still 7! Whoever texted me surely could wait for 3 hours or four. Bet whoever that was didn’t know me really well since I was not a morning person.
            “Hey Rain,”
           “HOLY...” I was startled seeing my door was open ajar, and Dad’s head showed up. What the eff, I thought I had locked the door before going to bed!
            “Good morning, sorry I didn’t knock it first, I was afraid to wake you up.”
            Yeah but you startled the hell out of me til death, Dad.
           But of course I didn’t blurt it out. “Yeah Dad, at first I thought you forgot how to knock.” He laughed nervously. “So, what’s up?”
            “Eh, nothing. I just... I just want to tell you that I’m going to head off soon.”
            No surprise. “Oh, where are you heading to?”
            “I don’t know exactly but we’re going to beaches.”
            I smiled sarcastically. “Beaches or beotches?”
            “Pardon me?” I could hear a tinge of surprise in his voice.
I shook my head lightly, not that I really cared about it, though. “Nah nothing. Well okay Dad, have fun!”
           But he was still lingering for a minute or so, as if there was something more to say. I waited for several more seconds as I was pretending to go back to sleep until I heard the door was closed.
Hey, there. Bet you haven’t seen Insidious Chapter 3, so... want to see it with me? I’ll be coming over at 1, alright?

          HOLY CRAP my hands were shaking so hard it was about to loosen grip of my phone. The one who texted me at 7 was my crush! I replied to his message “Okay, see ya soon!” before getting freaked out.
What time was it now?!
            11.30 am.
Oh great in one and a half hour he was going to be here and I just woke up!
I called Raquel immediately. She was still not answering. Ugh what takes her so long?! Finally she picked up the phone in the seventh ring. “QUEL!!”
“Whoa slim it sweetie, why so urgent?”
“... oh-kay... So what?”
“Ugh Quel, you’re the worst best friend ever. He asked me out okay?! We’re going to go to cinema in one and a half hour and now I just got up, I have no idea what I should wear, so please Skype me. I’ll be right back, gonna make a sandwich. Bye.”
I ended the phone and rushed going downstairs, straight to kitchen. My so-called crush would be here soon and I was now still looking as messed up as ever. But then a soft voice calling my name.
I came to a halt as I spotted Mom watching TV alone. Since when Mom was here? Why didn’t I notice her presence?
“Oh, hey Mom.” I smiled as sweet as my lips could do.
She smiled back but it didn’t reach her eyes. Mom’s eyes were swollen. She had to be crying all night. And I could feel the pang. I somehow knew it was unbearable. It occured to me that this was somewhat like deja vu, I once was here, but what I spotted back then was Dad kissing Mom passionately that I feared they would make love right in there.
Needless to say, now they were about to separate. Well at least they had ever been in deep love once upon a time.
I got aback to reality. Mom was watching me, looking puzzled.
“Yes, Mom?”
“I said what’re you up to?”
“Ah, I am just... uhm, going to make sandwich.”
“Want me to make it for you?”
Oooh my God, yes please! Please! I’m in a hurry!
“No no, it’s okay I’m actually not in a hurry.” I knew that we both knew it was a lie. I walked towards the kitchen as slow as someone who was running out of time could. “Oh by the way I’m going to see a movie with... a friend, and he’ll be here soon.”
“Okay just make sure you’re going home before...”
“Curfew. Yeah, noted. I’m home before curfew.”
She smiled but I felt awkward. I didn’t know what to say since my sandwich was already done and I really had to go upstairs and video Skype Raquel.
“What’re you waiting for, then? Go upstairs you little Rainy I know you’re late!”
I yelled, “Yes I actually am, okay Mom see ya!” as I was taking two stairs at once.
You know, I hated it to act as if everything was going to be alright, especially in front of my Mom. I was no liar, but life we were in seemed like it was all only about drama. I never prepared myself to play, only did I realize I was already playing.

I am perfectly broken.
I am flawlessly impaired.
I am closed to being open.
But since when have you cared?
(Gilberto Ledgard Hidalgo IV, Perfectly Broken)
I cringed staring at my room. It had been already a mess, but right now it was even worse. I literally put out all of my clothes from wardrobe, was trying to find one which Raquel thought was the best one to wear, as well as the bra, which bra I should wear so my boobs would look good.
I couldn’t thank Raquel enough for always being there for me when I needed her most.
Today was the day! Finally, I had been waiting for this to happen since God knows when! I mean, I’d been out with a boy once actually, we saw a movie as well, but I didn’t really enjoy it because I wasn’t in love with him back then. It was last year. His name is Reeve.
But now, it was totally a different story. I had a crush on this Levi guy. Eh, I was not really sure though because he was more to a best friend to me, and yet not a best friend. I just found myself happy to be with him, he was the easy going guy with good humors, knew how to make me feel comfortable and safe, he was around 6 feet 1 inch tall (hells and I was only 5 feet 5 inches tall, it seemed like I was a dwarf), and... yeah I didn’t know, he was nice. And smart. And oh, he even told me once he liked the philosophical side of me.
And I was actually still trying to figure out, why the eff he’d drive from his summer house which was like 17 miles away from mine?! Only to ask me out?! I’d better not to get myself too high, though.
Raquel said that I was probably in love with him. It could take forever for me only to talk about him with her, it was as though I always got my words to yap. She told me I’d be such an effing jerk when I received a message from Levi, because I’d totally ignore her as I was replying to his message, until I clicked “send” button did I notice her presence, being pissed off.
Oh, really? Was I actually that crazy?
But no, I didn’t really think so. I didn’t want to jump to conclusion hastily. I just knew Levi for like the past 2 months. So it just felt so wrong if I was into him or something.

Yeah, no way you fell for this guy, Rain. Note this, common sense has no place in first love and never has. It seemingly you were losing your sommon sense. --ets200615

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