Thursday, April 3, 2014

"Thrush Can Speak?!"

Hi. I’m Everest O'Neall, just call me Eve. Yes, that simple.
            I’m still 16. I am an easy-going person and I don’t feel stressed too much the way others feel due to tasks—well, at least I haven’t felt it for even once. And honestly I don’t know whether I am too stupid or… crazy or whatever, since I talked to a thrush and the thrush talked to me back!!! Yes, I myself still don’t believe this but I really experienced it! It happened when I was on my trip to Colorado, United States, some weeks ago. I went there when I was having my school vacation with some of my classmates. I mean, my crazy classmates. They always laugh everywhere at every little thing which is actually not funny at all, and they are sassy as well. And due to that, I turned to be kind of the personalities ever since I knew them. Ugh.
            We went to a mini beautiful forest in Colorado by bus. We left home at 9 o’clock in the morning and the trip took us for about an hour, until we arrived there. “WELCOME, MY TWINS!” with a picture of a smiling gorilla beside it, welcomed us warmly—well, it was annoying me actually. I’m too beautiful to be called “my twin” by gorilla, for God's sake.
After entering the forest, we saw various animals such as big elephants near a small pond, small ants which were standing in rows on big leaves, wild tigers in their cage, and many more. None of them hadn’t been taken their pictures by me.
I love taking picture indeed.
I’ll even do weird things only to take picture.
Yes, I have ever done.
And that time I did it again—the weird thing.
We were still a bit normal—I mean, not too crazy like laughing and sass—until Suzanna, one of my friends who’s a bit sassy said, “Hey Eve, I’d be very happy to buy you a new camera if you could draw the thrush’s attention and take a picture of it at the same second.” She appointed towards a very beautiful bird with combination of yellow, red, and orange feather which was perching on a high tree calmly.
I saw it.

But then I wondered, thrush should have black and white feather, shouldn’t it? Then why that thrush’s feather is yellow, orange, and red…?
“If you don’t want to, then you have a yellow streak, Eve.”
“Don’t underestimate me, Anna.” Then I walked arrogantly approaching the thrush (burung kutilang), but perhaps I walked so fast that made the thrush fly away. I heard my friends started laughing—again—and it made me really fed up. I followed the thrush immediately and left my friends behind with camera hung on my neck.
Haha, the thrush perched on a high tree eventually. I prepared to take a picture of it and stood underneath the tree, then 1… 2… 3…
My friends were walking towards me.
“Yeaaah, I succeeded, klutz! Remember you’ve to buy me a new camera, Anna, hahaha!” I laughed loudly, felt satisfied. “I don’t believe you’re that silly to ask me to do such a very easy thing, Anna.”
Anna sighed, then she said, “I wonder if you’re deaf, or you just forget, or you're very stupid, Eve. I said draw the thrush’s attention and take a picture of it at the same second, didn’t I?” She looked askance.
I looked aside and just realized that she really said that, but I forgot. “It means you have to make the thrush look at you while you're taking its picture. Got it?” Suzanna said.
Without answering Suzanna’s question, I reached for the thrush and found it still perching on the high tree.
No prior thought.
I climbed up the tree.
My friends laughed at me, but whatever. I didn’t give a damn.
I kept climbing up, climbing up, climbing up, until the beautiful thrush was right in front of me and fortunately, it didn’t fly away again and it looked right at me. I took my camera and said “Cheers!” to the thrush and… “Cheers.” Click.
“Wait, what?!” I asked to myself. “What?” I looked at it. I didn’t say cheers for twice.
“Oh my God!?” I was very surprised when knowing the thrush could speak! Thrush just talked to me! I never heard that thrush could speak with humans before. “This is unbelievable, I want to run, I want to shout, oh my God you can speak, YOU JUST SPOKE TO ME, DIDN’T YOU, THRUSH?” Well, I forgot that I was still on top of the tree.
“I am not thrush.” The bird replied.
I was made really confused by it. “Not a thrush?”
“I am not thrush.” The bird replied the same answer. “I am not thrush. I am not thrush. I am myna (burung beo).”
“Myna? Oh your name is Myna?” Yes, to be honest, I was really stupid that time.

“No, you silly! Silly girl. I am myna. Myna.” The myna flew away and left me confused on top of the tree.
I still hadn’t noticed what the bird meant until I arrived home at 5 pm. I searched for Myna Birds in the internet immediately after arriving and… ugh.
“Why didn’t I think that myna is actually a kind of bird which is capable of speaking?! Of course it was not thrush, no thrush has ever been capable of speaking in this world!”
And now please don’t tell me I’m stupid or crazy or… what. The one who is so is actually Suzanna. She was the one who said first that it was thrush, not me. Heh. The end. --ets110913

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